
ETS Competence Model for youth workers to work international

Bei diesem Seminar soll das neue Kompetenzmodell für JugendarbeiterInnen im Rahmen der Europäischen Trainingsstrategie (ETS) vorgestellt und im Vergleich zu anderen Kompetenzmodellen reflektiert und diskutiert werden. Das Modell soll anhand von praktischen Übungen selbst erlebt werden. Das Seminar wird quasi zur "Jugendbegegnung von JugendarbeiterInnen", bei der Lernerfahrungen dokumentiert und im Rahmen des Modells reflektiert werden.

Offering young people the opportunity to join learning mobility projects cross Europe require certain competences from those working with and for young people.

Understanding Europe as a peer learning opportunity in which to learn more about interesting youth work practices abroad require certain competences from youth workers to network and cooperate at European level with other professionals and volunteers in the same field.

But which specific competences are really needed to support quality development of such European learning mobility activities for youth workers and for young people – and how to embed such competence models meaningful in measures designed to train youth workers?

One objective of the European Commissions "European Training Strategy in the field of Youth - ETS (attached) is “to maintain and develop the implementation of a concept of a modular system of trainings for youth workers, based on the ETS set of competences for youth workers. Such a modular system aims to serve as a framework for orientation and guidance for the different actors, in the field of capacity building in youth work”.

This seminar aims at bringing together experienced actors being in charge of developing and implementing training strategies and training courses for youth worker to reflect on the ETS competence model for youth workers to work international.

The objectives of the seminar are
_ to motivate participants to consider competence frameworks in the further development of their training strategies and training courses

_ to reflect on challenges how to apply competence models in the development of training course curricula

_ to launch the ETS competence model for youth workers to work international and offer the opportunity for experts.

The draft programme planned:
_ Day 0: Arrival in the evening
_ Day 1: Introducing the new ETS Competence Model for youth workers to work international, collect feedback to further improve the model
_ Day 2: Presentation of other/similar competence models being used by stakeholders to learn about the existing practise to work with competence models in education and further training of youth workers.
_ Day 3 (departure from lunch): "Looking forward”: peer reflections what to do with all that in the diverse work realities of the target audience, possibilitites to deepen discussions and maybe establishing European cooperation projects

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter
Teilnahmegebühr: € 50,-. Alle anderen Kosten für Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden vom Programm "Erasmus : Jugend in Aktion" übernommen.
Vienna, Austria
Seminar / Conference
Austrian Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA
Max. Teilnehmerzahl

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