
Time to show off!

Für dieses Expert-Meeting in Glind/Niederlanden werden jeweils Tandems bestehend aus einem/einer JugendarbeiterIn und einem/einer TeilnehmerIn an einem internationalen Mobilitätsprojekt gesucht. Ziel ist es, basierend auf den Erfahrungen dieser ExpertInnen Beispiele zu sammeln und zu entwickeln, wie Lernprozesse in solchen Mobilitätsprojekten am besten unterstützt und gefördert, aber auch von den Teilnehmenden selbst erkannt, genutzt und kommuniziert werden können.

The National Agencies of Hungary, Slovakia, the Netherlands and the SALTO Training & Cooperation Resource Centre (SALTO T&C RC) are inviting interested candidates to apply for an expert meeting from 01-05 April 2016 in Glind (NL).

We are looking forward to candidates which apply in tandems: one youth worker with a (former) participant. For the participants the international mobility experience was a successful - maybe life changing - experience (maybe of course also for the youth worker).

This expert meeting 'Time to show off!' is the first step in a long term project to create a systematic change in the support of youth workers working in international learning mobilities. The aim is to be better equipped to indentify and support individual learning processes of partcipants and transform and translate the outcome into life competences, among them employability competences.

The expert meeting is for 'experts': youngsters and youth workers who successfully participated in an international youth mobility project and are aware that they have learned during the activity.
We are looking for 10 couples who are willing to share and explore the learning process.

The objectives of the first expert meeting are:
• Discover and discuss successful learning experiences and support processes in youth mobilities;
• To get an insight in the learning throughout the whole process of the learning mobility and understand how youth workers can encourage and empower young people to identify learning goals and learning outcomes;
• Unlock / reveal hidden competences gained in learning mobilities and collecting evidence to recognize them;
• Reflect and recognize the learning outcomes in relation to a desired future reality of a young person;
• To discuss how international youth work can contribute to personal development and employability of young people and develop recommendation for the further process;
• To support young people and youth workers to 'translate' learning outcomes into life competences, including employability competences.

Please note that this is a tandem application – one youth worker plus one young person. If you need further explanation please contact one of the organisers.

Please contact Marrie Kortenbosch, NA the Netherlands, for more information: or +31302306580.

The expert meeting 'Time to show off!' is part of a long term project with the following three activities which are connected:
• Expert meeting, spring 2016
• Training for youth workers, autumn 2016
• Seminar for stakeholders, spring 2017

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter
Teilnahmegebühr: € 50,-. Alle anderen Kosten für Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden vom Programm "Erasmus : Jugend in Aktion" übernommen.
De Glind, Netherlands
Seminar / Conference
NA The Netherlands
Max. Teilnehmerzahl

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