
Developing Digital Youth work

Ziel des Trainingskurses "Developing Digital Youth work" ist es, das Thema "digitale Jugendarbeit" zu entmystifizieren und gemeinsam Herausforderungen und gute Praktiken herauszuarbeiten. Das Training soll Organisationen unterstützen Strategien für den Umgang mit digitaler Jugendarbeit zu entwickeln und in ihren lokalen Kontext zu übertragen.

The Developing Digital Youth work seminar brings together people involved with digital youth work to exchange good practices in Finland and elsewhere in Europe. The seminar also aims to create project ideas and new partnerships for digital youth work development using the Erasmus+ Youth in Action opportunities. Methodology used in seminar consist of Key-note speakers, sharing good practices, interactive sessions and online tools. Selected participants will be invited to do some minor preparation tasks.

The objectives are:

- to understand the terminology of digital youth work
- what do we mean by the concept
- to familiarise with concepts of digital presence of youth workers, equal interaction with young people online and participation of young people in digital youth work
- to understand different realities of digital youth work in Europe
- to see good examples of how digital tools are used in youth work in Finland and elsewhere in Europe
- to build up partnerships for future Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects focusing on youth worker mobility (KA1), strategic partnership (KA2) or policy innovation projects (KA3)


We are looking for participants who

•are already involved in planning and / or managing digital youth work in their organisations

•can introduce new ideas both to their superiors and to the grass-root level colleagues

•are interested in building strategic partnership projects or youth worker mobility projects in Erasmus+ Youth in Action in future

•are over 18

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter
Teilnahmegebühr: € 50,-. Alle anderen Kosten für Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden vom Programm "Erasmus : Jugend in Aktion" übernommen.
Oulu, Finland
Seminar / Conference
Max. Teilnehmerzahl

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