
Training for EVS accreditors in Poland

Ein Training für externe Experten und NA/SALTO Staff, die im EFD-Akkreditierungsprozess beteiligt sind. Bei diesem sollen Standards und Qualitätskriterien des Akkreditierungsprozess gemeinsam diskutiert und weiterentwickelt werden.

With this training we would like to bring together accreditors (and NA + SALTO staff involved in EVS accreditation process) from across Europe and Partner regions to exchange experiences and support the experts in developing quality of accreditation.

We would like to focus especially on the following aspects:
-to discuss the standards of accreditation and share our knowledge/good practices
-to deepen the understanding of accreditor’s role/roles in the process – reflect on aspects influencing our work (expectations/requirements in term of different roles played by accreditor, strategies and tools implemented in different national contexts, standards of work etc.)
-to define challenges faced by accreditors and to find possible solutions
-to practice our skills, especially the communicational skills that are important during interaction phase of accreditation (interview with applicant). Our abilities to lead the conversation, get the information we need, react to difficult situations or give the right feedback are orienting the interaction with an applicant and, as a consequence, the quality of support that we offer as accreditors to EVS organisations.

The seminar should be seen in the context of follow up from the previous meetings of accreditors.

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter
Teilnahmegebühr: € 50,-. Alle anderen Kosten für Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden vom Programm "Erasmus : Jugend in Aktion" übernommen.
Warsaw, Poland
Training Course
Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme
Max. Teilnehmerzahl

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