
Forum on Perspectives of European Cooperation in the Youth Field

Das Forum bietet die Möglichkeit sich mit verschiedenen Akteuren des Jugendbereiches zu treffen und über die bisherige Implementierung der EU Jugendstrategie zu reflektieren und diskutieren.

In 2016 the EU Youth Strategy enters its seventh year of existence. A wide range of experiences has been made; now, debates on the impact and perspectives for the period after 2018 are beginning. In spring 2016 the European Commission will present an interim evaluation of the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy, followed by a public consultation. This is an auspicious moment to meet and reflect on the state of affairs of what the so-called “renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field” from 2009 has generated and the changes
it has delivered in youth policy at national, regional and local level. A reflection on the present situation also allows for a discussion
of ideas and opinions concerning a future open method-based European cooperation in the youth field. This forum will focus on the perspectives
offered by the EU Youth Strategy for civil society and its stakeholders, how the Strategy has affected youth policy and youth work, civil society and major youth stakeholders, and how these groups have contributed to its implementation. It will also examine what civil society stakeholders expect from European cooperation in the field of youth in the context of a new EU Youth Strategy.

The forum seeks to
- examine the implementation status of the EU Youth Strategy,
- reflect on the findings of the interim evaluation (impact, themes, instruments), and
- discuss possible approaches for pursuing and evolving the EU Youth Strategy from 2018 onwards.

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter
Teilnahmegebühr: € 50,-. Alle anderen Kosten für Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden vom Programm "Erasmus : Jugend in Aktion" übernommen.
Bonn, Germany
Seminar / Conference
JUGEND für Europa
Max. Teilnehmerzahl

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